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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Two Suns Seen in China!

Okay...I'm back...already. This video is from March I've heard nothing at all about two suns showing up! It was mentioned as a photo on only as a caption, that read 'this video still purportedly shows two suns...'. "Purportedly"? clearly this is two suns, the skeptism will exist in the mainstream media right up until the change walks into the studio room and broadcasts istelf across the airwaves. In the meantime...keep coming back to see whats the deal!

But yea...this is the wildest thing. Just like I said before, the information given to us is hand selected, like the medicine given to psych patients to keep them subdued. Don't wanna give them too much too'll overwhelm the masses. Lets just stick with the things we can't conceal...i.e. tsunamis, nuclear meltdowns...and distract them with Libya and Bahrain.

Nonetheless...two suns were seen in China! The video clearly shows two of them. I was doing some research on whats up with this...and according to Dr. Brad Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of Southern Queensland...the two suns are the result of a dying star. This star could become a blackhole...but could be that by 2012 we will see this sun permanently.

Hmmm...the signs are all around us. Things are changing, and if we think our government is going to inform us on whats what and be clear and up front with us...we're wrong.

That said, the second sun is a little lighter in color, it doesn't seem to be burning as bright as our sun to the left of the screen. Tsunami, earth quakes...two suns! Yea, there is a change upon us y'all!

1 comment:

  1. Yea I def agree, this Earth is due for a clean slate.
